Thursday, May 13, 2010

Un"officially" an Aussie resident

What makes me a resident you ask?

I was walking to the bus this morning and I recognized Joyce (my neighbor's dog) on the sidewalk and I looked up to see Jane (my hilarious super Aussie neighbor).  We embraced, chatted, she told me about the 16 year old AUS girl who sailed around the world alone for 6 months and is docking on Saturday morning so we MUST go into the city for the all day, all night party.  It's going to be MAD, totally FAR OUT! Jane is hands down one of the funniest people I ever met.  She is super tall, super slim, super blond, and just flat out super. Hilarious!  

Then I proceed to the bus stop and he wasn't letting people on for having the wrong bus pass.  I knew for sure I was going to get booted but he said, "Nope, you are a local."  YES! I am a local.  I was so proud.

To top it all off when I walked into the cafe where I get my morning coffee he just handed it to me when I got to the front of the line.  This my friends, is the official stamp of approval.  Take it from a former coffee slinger.  When your coffee shop knows how you like your coffee, you have formally been dubbed "a regular."  YES! I am a regular! It is so silly that these little things can make one so happy.  It does.  It really, really does.  Now, my next goal is for them to know my name.  I will keep you posted.

On the note of keeping you posted, I hope you are all enjoying this blog.  It is really fun for me to write and I love hearing your comments.  It is an easy way to update all of you on what is going on in the land down under but I want there to be no mistake that this is not a substitute for human interaction.  I will still be calling, skyping, emailing, writing cards/postcards to you because I believe that blogging has it's place but it should not be a substitute but a supplement.

On that note...THANK YOU ALL FOR MY CARDS! You all know how much I love a good ole greeting card with a photo that looks like you took it because it is so perfect or with that funny saying that is truly personalized to us.  Thank you to the sales team, Ann, Ashley, Courtney, Marti, Jess, and SHARON for the cards! They truly made my day.  Sharon, I have the picture hanging up in my room that the boys made for me.  Love it, love it, love it!

For the bad news...I couldn't sleep last night because we are doing this Social Media coaching club back in the US that I am participating in to learn more about FB, Twitter, etc. and I am realizing that I may HAVE to go on FB to "manage my reputation."  I cannot explain why I am so upset about this but I am.  I know I would be happy reconnecting with certain old friends on FB but there is no privacy anymore.  The reason why I think I am so unnerved about the FB thing is that even though Danni Ward does not have a set profile, it does not mean that my photos, stories, sound bites do not show up for the world to see regardless.  So I can choose, to be ignorant to the fact that it is going on or manage it myself. UGH! My plight in rebelling against society is wearing thin. 

My horoscope today:
"You may feel as though all eyes are on you -- and though that is likely an exaggeration, someone is surely watching your every move."

Ain't it the truth.  Miss you all!

Still deaf.


  1. Whenever I moved someplace new, my "I'm a local" moment always came in the form of being asked for, and able to successfully give, someone else directions. That's when I knew I had made it.

    Even though I push FB I understand your pain. I'm trying to hide from the Twitter Train but fear it's either get on board or get run over. But I'm still in stubborn avoidance even though I do have two accounts - and when people start following me I get annoyed, like I owe them something and had better get to it. I'm not there yet.

  2. How lucky are you? Coffee with out the order? I have a request - I totally believe in (however difficult I find executing on this) blogging isn't a substitute for human interaction ... that said... I say bang out some videos pal. Show us around. Oh yeah. It's going to be AWESOME.

    I can't believe you are still deaf. I can't believe you are thinking of jumping into the FB pool, however angry in the cannon ball. You know I love me some FB / but it's supposed to be FUN, there is enough painful stuff out there - why add to something you aren't into? I'm just saying. I think you are going to like it/ but unwilling? Not worth it!

    Far out, Sheila.

  3. Miss and Love you and I'm so glad you are a reg! Way to create your niche in no time flat.

    Don't let the FB thing throw you. Its like high school. People are too busy purring over how cool they are, or worrying about how not cool they are to notice most of whats going on with everyone else.

  4. Anonymous15/5/10

    This post cracked me up...I love it! Keep um-comin. You witty little thing you!

  5. Jump on that SoMe train sista!!!
