Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Thai food = yes Thailand = no

So I am trying to plan where I am going to travel once my holiday in Australia ends...ha! I have always dreamed of going to Thailand.  I don't know what it is about Thailand that has always been so attractive to me but that is on my bucket list.  Too bad there is so much unrest in Bangkok right now that we currently have travel warnings.  Go figure. Someday it will happen.

Raining buckets.  As my colleague Simone says, "It's total carnage!"  Love it! Contemplating Fiji or New Zealand to leave Australia for visa purposes and then fly back to hit up the Great Barrier Reef and wine country before I head back to the good ole USA to see you fine folks.  If you have been to any of these places, feel free to share your thoughts.

Greece is still on the table to spend time with the Countouris family if all else fails. 

Tough life. Still deaf. Coffee guy knows my name now.  I just have to ask him his.  That will be this afternoon's mission. 


  1. Greece is the BEST trip I ever took. You won't regret it.

    Fiji is a trip I've always wanted to take... please go for me! :)

  2. Anonymous19/5/10

    I would definately take advantage of new zealand and do your skydiving there. It's the most beautiful country and your jaw will drop every 4.5 seconds because it's that amazing. Highly recommend that.

    I also recommend going on a boat trip around the Whitsunday Islands. Probably the best 3 days of my life. You go scuba diving along the reefs all day, eat wine and cheese while australian men play their guitars during sunset and sleep under the stars on a boat at night. IT's seriously makes you reconsider why you have been wasting time doing anything but that all your life.

    Also when you go to wine country - i recommend riding bikes from vineyard to vineyard. I did this with my dad during a more awkward phase in our relationship but because the day was so magical you would have thought we were the best of pals. The wine greatly helped but needless to say it is awesome! Also since you are exercising between drinking and eating more only seems reasonable.

