Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Sky diving is not the prescription for deafness...bugger!

My officemates Simone and Jess, were worried about the fact that I have been deaf for 10 days straight with no light at the end of the tunnel and talked me into going to the Dr. 

1. When I arrived they had scheduled me for next Tuesday and not today...oops.
2. They were able to get me in regardless and told me that I didn't have to fill anything out because I had been there before.. I had?
3.  When I told them I had just arrived they said ok, perhaps you should fill out a form...ya think?
4.  $75.00 AUD for the "consultation" was the cost
5.  The doc who looked younger than me looked in my ears with the ear probe lense scope thingy (yes that is the technical term) and told me, "You really pissed off your ear drum on the right side.  You bruised it badly but it is currently yellow and green opposed to blue and purple so you are toward the end of it now.  Don't fly or scuba dive for a month and it should take about 3 weeks for it to clear up.  You just have to wait and take this over the counter antihistamine."

Fine. I am fine. I knew it was nothing and now I just have to wait it out.  The downside to this whole situation is that I can't go sky diving this weekend.  I had my sales pitch all cued up to convince Jess that this Saturday was the big Sydney moment to drop out of the sky and make a memory but...all plans have come to a hault.  It may be whale watching instead.  Exciting but not as thrilling as the sky drop. I am sure my Aunt is happy to hear that whale watching will be my activity of choice opposed to sky diving. :)

Still deaf and will get that sky diving in if it is the last thing I do.  


  1. HEY DW! Sorry to yell, but not sure which ear will be closest when you read this.

    Sky diving?! Would it be a tandem jump? That way you can scream the whole way down without the responsibility of pulling a cord.

    Fingers are crossed for a speedy ear recovery.

  2. How'd you bruise it?
