Thursday, May 13, 2010

I have a cell phone

Email me and I will give you the phone #.  I cannot call internationally until I get a calling card but you can call me.  I am not sure how much it is going to cost you so don't break the bank on it but know that it is no longer radio silence.  It does not have voicemail yet and as ghetto as it may be...I have one. :)


  1. You HAVE to find out how much it's going to cost... dude don't find yourself in a bad way - like an au pair who didn't realize that incoming calls cost. Next thing you know/ you're in transition and we can't rematch you until you settle out your bill with your cell provider.

    PS. Talk to someone about internet. I'm talking SKYPE conversations. Video conferencing. It'll be grand.

  2. Hey Danni,
    Glad you are doing well down under. I am working my A** off to qualify for a trip there so please don't come home until either I fail or I qualify!
    Miss you and hope you are doing well!

  3. Anonymous14/5/10

    here is the link for SKYPE.

    it the one thing in the world that doesnt follow the rule "if its too good to be true, it probably is"...its good and its true*

  4. Joanne Hunt14/5/10

    Hi D-Ward...think of us as we pack 525 au pairs on a boat meant for 400...
    some phones (like mine) wont take the skype link and trust me and my $800 bejiing bill, verizon charges for the skype airtime!
    Miss you but glad you are having a great time. Joanne

  5. Anonymous15/5/10

    Just got the e-mail about the wrong number...I tried to call the other one and thought I was just an idiot. Well I am certainly glad that was not the case!
